Wednesday, December 29, 2010

iPhone vs.iPod touch


ipod touch..market2

Assalamualaikum.. kalo korang diberi pilihan nk beli iphone atau ipod touch, ape korang nk.. first skali, iphone 4(new) hargenye RM2649 16GB while itouch4(new la gak) RM1079 tok 16GB gak..hehe, tau x ape perbezaaan antare iphone 4 n ipod touch??
1. iphone boleh digunekan ntok telipon or sms mak n abah korang.. ipod on boleh diguneknan tok call mak abah but hanya dgn keberadaan internet do tmpt korang..haha
2. iphone punye metal chrome kat blkg lagi susah ntok calar dibandingan dgn itouch.
3. RAM iphone 512MB while itouch 256MB.
4. itouch lebih ringan n nipis 2 kali ganda dbandingkan dgn iphone..
5. itouch lebih mengutamekan kesihatan sbb radiation xkan kluar kalo korang x bukak wireless connection while using iphone, korang akan sentiasa terdedah dgn radiation memandangkan iphone adalah henset selular..
6. sume application yg iphone ade boleh juge dipakai di itouch 4th gen..excet for GPS( sbb internet buknnye ade spanjang mase,haha)..
7. perbezaaan harge yg amat ketare iaitu dkt RM15oo..fuhh, habeh duit maaaaa...
8. kalo korang org kaye yg amat korang mesti x kesah kene topup 3o inggit sehari disebabkan beberape application g auto update kt dlm iphone korang..haha(inilh sbb utama ramai penggune frust pakai iphone.huhu, xpe2 aku kaye..)
9. spec2 laen menurut pengkajian aku mmg same je.. camera dpn blkg, facetime no hal, game2 sume jalan
10. aku nk tanye korang beli iphone or ipod ni tujuannye ape??? bg aku, aku beli itouch sbb nk men apps n dgr lagu NASYID(haha)... kalo nk call or sms, henset 3210 aku pon da ok..
If you want to play a lot games at high quality, if you want to watch movies, TV shows and to a library of music then iPod touch is for you.If you want to have the most advanced phone, with GPS, and video calling, then iPhone is the perfect smarphone for you.
A lot of applications like Microsoft Word and Excel, or video and photo editing software can be used by both, wakaka..and the best apps for now is 'The Inception' -let yourself in a dreamworld..WAHH!! so pas ni jgn tanye kenape org beli ipod touch n bukan iphone, nmpknye penggune itouch lagi bijak dr penggune iphone la.. walaupon kurang kaye.. x, seriously aku x jealous ok..haha, k a bye!


Pamie said...

wah,thanks bro! best2, nice info..sekarang hanya menunggu ketibaan iPod Touch 32GB!! yahuuu! ouh, ak beli iTouch sebab nak main game, dengar2 lagu, bukak2 tenet skjp2..dn yang paling penting, bukan untuk call or msg..henpon android dah ade,muahaha..

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